
Specs contains a bunch of different storages, all built and optimized for different use cases. But let's see some basics first.

Storage basics

What you specify in a component impl-block is an UnprotectedStorage. Each UnprotectedStorage exposes an unsafe getter which does not perform any checks whether the requested index for the component is valid (the id of an entity is the index of its component). To allow checking them and speeding up iteration, we have something called hierarchical bitsets, provided by hibitset.

Note: In case you don't know anything about bitsets, you can safely skip the following section about it. Just keep in mind that we have some mask which tracks for which entities a component exists.

How does it speed up the iteration? A hierarchical bitset is essentially a multi-layer bitset, where each upper layer "summarizes" multiple bits of the underlying layers. That means as soon as one of the underlying bits is 1, the upper one also becomes 1, so that we can skip a whole range of indices if an upper bit is 0 in that section. In case it's 1, we go down by one layer and perform the same steps again (it currently has 4 layers).

Storage overview

Here a list of the storages with a short description and a link to the corresponding heading.

Storage Type Description Optimized for
BTreeStorage Works with a BTreeMap no particular case
DenseVecStorage Uses a redirection table fairly often used components
HashMapStorage Uses a HashMap rare components
NullStorage Can flag entities doesn't depend on rarity
VecStorage Uses a sparse Vec commonly used components


It works using a BTreeMap and it's meant to be the default storage in case you're not sure which one to pick, because it fits all scenarios fairly well.


This storage uses two Vecs, one containing the actual data and the other one which provides a mapping from the entity id to the index for the data vec (it's a redirection table). This is useful when your component is bigger than a usize because it consumes less RAM.


This should be used for components which are associated to very few entities, because it provides a lower insertion cost and is packed together more tightly. You should not use it for frequently used components, because the hashing cost would definitely be noticeable.


As already described in the overview, the NullStorage does itself only contain a user-defined ZST (=Zero Sized Type; a struct with no data in it, like struct Synced;). Because it's wrapped in a so-called MaskedStorage, insertions and deletions modify the mask, so it can be used for flagging entities (like in this example for marking an entity as Synced, which could be used to only synchronize some of the entities over the network).


This one has only one vector (as opposed to the DenseVecStorage). It just leaves uninitialized gaps where we don't have any component. Therefore it would be a waste of memory to use this storage for rare components, but it's best suited for commonly used components (like transform values).

RudyStorage (Experimental)

There is an experimental RudyStorage, which can be enabled with the rudy feature flag. It uses the rudy crate, the Rust implementation of Judy Arrays.

Its benefits are not clear yet.